Armor Alley™ Editor


  • · Prev / next item in active group: [ ]
  • · Set selected ownership: < >
  • · Delete selected item(s): delete ⌦
  • · Move selected item(s): arrow keys


  • · Missile...· Tank · Van · Infantry · Engineer

Structures (x4)

  • ·Bunker
  • ·Super Bunker
  • ·Turret
  • ·Landing Pad

Airborne (x2)

  • ·Cloud
  • ·Balloon


  • ·Barb wire
  • ·Cactus (x2)
  • ·Dune (x2)
  • ·Flower (x3)
  • ·Grass / Grave (x5)
  • ·Rock (x2)
  • ·Wood (trees) (x2)

Active: [none]

Armor Alley™ Editor :: Help


This level editor is a work in progress!

Think of it like a toolbox of brushes. Select a brush, then "paint" the landscape with e.g., tanks, bunkers, or flowers.


Click and drag the landscape, or use the "scrollbar" in the top radar area to navigate.

Placing Items

To place a Tank, press T (shift not required), then click near the ground. Use the < > keys to switch sides.

Some elements are grouped by type. Press the relevant key, e.g. S for structures, G for grass / gravestones. Once active, press the same key or use [ ] to cycle through items.

Once there is an "active" type, click near the ground to place it.

Selecting Items

Click an item to select it. Arrow keys can move L/R one pixel at a time.

Click while pressing CMD / windows / meta-key to draw a selection marquee. CMD-click on an item to toggle and do multi-selection. Shift can be held during marquee for multi-select / toggle.

Press esc to exit "placement" mode.